Sunday, March 29, 2015

Famous Last Words for Week 10

Well, here we are again. I have so much to do this week. I hope I make it though it alive. No, I'm sure I will, but it is going to be absolutely crazy. I am ready for summer. Actually, I can't stand presentations. So, if I didn't have a presentation this week, I don't think I would be so nervous about it. I just hate all of the eyeballs, but get this over with and I don't have to do that anymore this year. Woohoo!!

This weekend, I took my puppies and we went to the midevil fair! It was a blast. My little corgi thinks she is hot stuff, and tries to show her guns. However, she has none to back her up. It is hilarious! My boyfriend has a pitbull, so I think my corgi thinks oh I've got this and if I don't he's got you. Funnily enough though, my little pitbull is a fat baby. He is the one that would bark really loud and be scared by his voice and run behind me. It's hilarious. I love him!

(Droseph at my house taken by me)

The Mahabharata was a crazy book. There was so much going on! It was hard to keep track. I really had to use the reading guides in order to keep track of every single event that happened. It was all over the place, but those guides were extremely helpful. I hope that you guys like my story this week. I struggled when choosing what to write about. 

My mood has just been so much better now that I think we may have finally survived winter, but of course with that means it is tornado season. I get so scared that I am going to die because I live on the second floor in an apartment, and if a storm blows over my place I am for sure a goner. That's a scary thought! However, I guess because I am from Oklahoma this is what makes the spring sort of exciting.

Have a good week!


  1. I have so much to do this week too! Things always get crazy after spring break! I agree, I cannot wait for summer either! I love the picture you included of your boyfriend’s pitbull, such a cute dog! That is so sweet that he is a scared puppy! I am scared of tornadoes too! I am from the West coast so tornados are still a fairly new concept to me!

    Good luck making it through this week! You’ve got this!

  2. Rachelle,

    I am the same way with presentations/public speaking. Sometimes, even when I'm not nervous at all and the presentation is really low key, my body still reacts like I'm nervous and my face gets all red/hot and my voice cracks. It's frustrating! But public speaking is supposedly a really good skill to have, so keep at it!

    Your baby looks so sweet!! I love pitbulls. They get such a bad reputation but they're really just big softies. I'm glad you had a good time at the medieval fair and got to take the kids out for the day, haha.

    I'm sorry tornado season is scary! Although I am not from Oklahoma, and have only lived here for 4 years, I've never really felt afraid. I suppose I'm not used to them. Even after seeing all the damage in Moore last year, it's difficult to imagine it happening to me. I know, that's such a silly thing to think. Of course it could happen to me! But I suppose denial just helps me not be afraid. Just always be safe!
