Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Reading Diary B: Lakshmana kills Indrajit

Thunder-Tooth and Lightening-Tongue

  • Thunder- Tooth creates an illusion of Rama's bow
  • Lightening- Tongue creates an illusion of Rama's head
  • Ravana takes the illusions to Sita to show her that Rama is dead in an attempt to get her to give into him (get in his bed)
  • However, Sita knows Rama well and the illusions were not an accurate enough depiction of Rama to fool her
  • Oblivious to what is going on, Prahasta the General, barges in and announces Rama's arrival to Lanka on the bridge Nala had created
  • Trijata (girl), a demon that grows compassionate of Sita, begins spying on Ravana and informing Sita about what is going on with the war between Rama and Ravana

  • Ravana wakes up Kumbhakarna, Ravana's brother who sleeps 6 months for every one day he is awake, in order to get him to kill Rama for him
  • Kumbhakarna urges Ravana to simply give Sita back
  • Ravana still disagrees
  • Kumbhakarna goes to fight Rama but Rama slices every limb one by one with his powerful arrows
  • Kumbhakarna doesn't give up easily however
  • Rama, finally, cuts his head off with an arrow
Indrajit's first attack

  • Indrajit comes to attack Rama with his invisible tiger- drawn chariot
  • Indrajit is launching thousands of arrows and succeeds in killing Lakshmana and Rama
  • However, Indrajit only injured Jambavan,Vibhishana, and Hanuman, the monkey with eternal life
  • Vibhishana finds Hanuman and Jambavan  just greatly injured and Jambavan asks desperately if Hanuman was still alive. This irritated Vibhishana
  • However, Jambavan tells Hanuman to go to the medicine and bring back the plants which will bring Rama back to life
The Medicine Hill

  • Hanuman goes to the medicine and is overwhelmed by all the medical herbs' glow
  • Hanuman brings the whole mountain to the battlefield
  • Because he jumped with the hill, the herbs heated up and all the allies including Rama were restored
  • Rama feels terrible for the events and wishes Sugriva would take everyone home
  • But all the monkeys and bears remain
Lakshmana kills Indrajit

  • As Rama is still alive, Ravana asks Indrajit to kill him again
  • Indrajit tells his dad that Dharma is on Rama's side but agrees to help Ravana again
  • As Indrajit's invisible chariot was destroyed in his first battle, Indrajit uses illusions to kill a fake Sita in front of Hanuman
  • Vibhishana pleads that it is only another one of his illusions
  • Vibhishana uses his powers to reveal Indrajit in his invisble mediation place
  • Lakshmana attacks Indrajit and gets into a one on one battle with him
  • Lakshmana kills Indrajit!
  • Ravana is devastated and question why he should live on without his son
  • Ravana decides to go to war, he has nothing left to lose
  • Kumbhakarna, his younger brother, Indrajit, his son, are dead and he has sent Vibhishana, his older brother, away and accused him of treason

(Image Source: Lakshmana and Indrajit by Fazl)

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